Application Note: Carcino3D™ Lung Model as a Relevant Tool for Drug Testing

3D-printed tumours represent a significant advancement in cancer research, offering a more accurate and physiologically relevant model compared to traditional 2D cell cultures and animal models. By mimicking the complex architecture and microenvironment of human tumours, these models enable researchers to study cancer biology and tumour progression in a context that closely resembles human disease. This can lead to a better understanding of tumour heterogeneity, metastasis, and treatment resistance, ultimately informing the development of more effective therapies.   

In this application note we present data demonstrating the similarities between a donor lung tumour tissue and Carcinotech’s 3D-bioprinted lung tumour in terms of both cellular composition and response to drug treatment. These findings highlight the potential of 3D-bioprinted models as translational tools for pre-clinical research and drug development.  

Download our Application Note to Learn:  

  • How 3D-Bioprinted Tumours Respond to Therapy: Understand how these models react to standard-of-care drugs, offering valuable insights into their therapeutic potential 

  • The Similarity of Carcinotech’s Tumours to Native Tumours: Visualise how our engineered tumours closely mimic the donor’s tumour microenvironment 

  • Applications Beyond Lung Cancer: Discover how 3D cancer models can be applied to various cancer types and therapeutic modalities 
  • The Biofabrication Process: Explore our cutting-edge biofabrication methods that enable us to produce tumours 99% similar to the original biopsy 


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Download your copy of the Carcinotech Application Note and learn how 3D-bioprinted tumours can serve as a valuable tool for developing your lung cancer therapeutic.

About Us

Carcinotech has pioneered the development of assay-ready, 3D-bioprinted tumours derived from patient biopsies for oncology drug discovery and development.